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Cancer Incidence in Five Continents Time Trends (CI5plus)

Series type 
Disease registry
Time period 
1958 - present

From CI5plus website:

The overall objective of the Cancer Incidence in Five Continents (CI5) series is to make available comparable data on cancer incidence from as wide a range of geographical locations worldwide as possible. Traditionally, this has been through publication of a volume containing tabulations of cancer incidence rates at approximately five-year intervals. The successive volumes and their corresponding data (number of cancer cases by period, age-group, sex, cancer sites and the corresponding population at risk) are available using the CI5 Vol. I to X and CI5 Vol. XI applications.

The CI5plus database contains updated annual incidence rates for 123 selected populations from 107 cancer registries published in CI5, for the longest period available (up to 2012), for all cancers and 28 major types (see the Cancer dictionary menu option). 

CI5plus can be used for time trends analyses, but differences over time in registration practices and coding make it necessary to interpret trends with caution.

Cancer Incidence in Five Continents Time Trends (CI5plus) Dataset Records